Wednesday, May 9, 2007


In total honesty, the creation of this blog was very much a random action. Obviously. It's almost 3 o'clock in the morning, and I'm sitting here at my computer screen, creating a blog when I should very well be sleeping. Especially when one considers that it's finals week.

That's right. Finals week. My name is Lacuna (not really, but the necessity for anonymity will be further clarified in a second) and I'm college student at a major university. I'm studying advertising and enjoying it immensely. Some of my hobbies include academia, working out, high-fashion, looking good, politics, debate, religion, comic book collecting, etc. I feel that I'm a fairly well-rounded guy that likes many things and can cultivate relationship with a great variety of people. Coming here, I attempted the fraternity thing not once but twice before I finally decided that compromising my personal comforts and personal dignity for the approval of fat, drunken frat boys is not an extracurricular activity I enjoy partaking in. And, really, the only reason I tried to be The Frat Guy was because it seemed that that was what was expected of me. But that's another story.

You see, I tend to ramble, and there will probably be a lot of that in my blog, because I'm a very, very confused and un-anchored young man. You see, I have recently come to terms with the fact that I'm probably gay - and that, dear readers, is probably going to be one of the biggest running themes in this blog, as it's something I will, no doubt, be struggling with for a long time to come. Although I've yet to be with another man, it doesn't make things easier by any stretch of the imagination. Also of note is the fact that I come from a very religious Southern Baptist family that has taught me that these kinds of thoughts are temporary and "curable" and that this "lifestyle choice" is an immoral one that will, should I choose to partake, result in eternal damnation in hell. It's hard to shake this kind of emphasis, especially when one is very, very close to their family, as is the case in my situation.

But that's enough for the first entry. I'm sure that some of the things that I say many will find to be absolutely and completely pathetic. Some will find me to be a sad, cowardly excuse for a human being. Some may understand my plight as I trudge through this painfully difficult time in my life. I only ask that you be respectful and understanding. I'm young and inexperienced, but I'm learning... Learning to think for myself, learning to make my own opinions, and learning just exactly how to step outside of the sphere of influence of my parents...

...All while advancing my education and experiencing all the fun-filled rigors and roadblocks of university life. Oh joy! Should be a fun ride. Stay tuned, and happy reading.

1 comment:

Steve F. said...

I am coming late to your blogging party, so some of my comments may well be out-of-date by the time you read them. So take them with the appropriate-sized pinch of salt...

I had to smile at the Frat Guy experiment - isn't it fascinating what we will do to meet others' expectations of us? We do so much to fit in, and "look the part," eh?

I, too tend to ramble, and it's ok in the blogging world. If we were looking for sharp, incisive writing, we'd all be reading Anderson Cooper or Andrew Sullivan, I guess.

The one thing I envy you - so, so very much - is that you are coming out to yourself in college. You are a good-looking guy, and are at least aware of who and what you are.

It may well seem like a cross at this point - but as one who denied the truth for decades, I have only respect and envy for you. You have the opportunity to celebrate your life, rather than deny it.

It is likely that you will be forced to hide your light under a bushel for a while, at least when it comes to your family - because you need them and their approval, for now.

But trust me: I have yet to meet a single person who thought they were "probably gay" who subsequently said, "Oh, gee! It was all a mistake! I'm straight after all!" If you're thinking you might be gay, there probably isn't a "might" about it.

That may not seem like good news right now - but it is.

I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of your journey unfold...